If my house were a bathtub
it would always be filled to the brim
with deliciously hot water.
Warm and relaxed,
I would float on my back
and look up at the stars.
My ears would fill with water,
dulling out the sharp sounds.
Calm. Quiet. Silence.
If my house were a bathtub
I would bring in the dirt
just to wash it away.
I would be free from heavy roles and expectations.
The weight of the world on my shoulders
would slip down the drain.
I would be as light as a feather
and as free as a duck –
to float, swim or fly.
I would be free to be me.
If my house were a bathtub.
This painting and poem is from a series of four black and white watercolor paintings. The first painting is “Mama Bear”, the second is “If My House Were a Couch”, this is the third and the fourth is, “If My House Were a Campfire.”