Somewhere along the way we forgot what nature has always known. It’s not the female’s job to primp and preen – just look at nature – that is supposed to be the male’s job.
Take the peacock for instance.

We saw a fine example of this at Maplewood Farm today. First a grey female peacock came along and watched the male for a while. He strut his stuff and shook his feathers like nobody’s business.

Ater a while she got bored and took off.

Then a white female peacock came along and watched the male for a while. He strut his stuff and shook his feathers like nobody’s business.

After a while she got bored and took off.

I asked my kids which female peacock was impressed enough by the male that she might have babies with him?
They said, “None. He’s not working hard enough.”
Exactly my point with women today! So many billions of dollars spent on hair, make-up and clothes in order to primp and and preen around the males hoping that one will pick them. But no! This is not the way of nature.
Be confident in who you are,
and you true inner beauty will shine.
Be confident in who you are
and you will feel whole within yourself –
not needing another person to fill that empty void within.
Be confident enough in who you are
to show your inner self to the world.
This is the only way you can find a true companion.
Find the confidence by accepting yourself
just as you are right now –
with all the mistakes, imperfections and failures.
The world needs you.
Just as you are.