We are so excited to be hosting a very special afternoon to honour our mothers on Mother’s Day! It will be an afternoon full of delightful art and jewellery, delicious food and intriguing books and dream interpretation.
To honour and be of service to the new mothers of Vancouver, we are donating 10% of our proceeds to helping La Leche League, a local volunteer-run charity helping new mothers learn to breastfeed.
Some of the wonderful vendors that will be participating:
Angela James. Famous Rooibos Teas: http://www.angelajamesrooibostea.com/

Richard Hastings: Author of: Dreams for Peace, Dreamwork: How to Interpret Your Dreams and Transform Your Life, The 19 Day Transformation Program (Ebook). https://dreamsforpeace.org/

He will also be providing free dream interpretation.
Jennifer Adlparvar. Artist: https://jenniferadlparvar.wordpress.com/

Arezou Nourredin: Photographer and Glass Painter: http://arezouphotography.ca

Nur Shojai. Artist: https://nurshojai.com/

Ciele Beau. Musician and Artist:

Jonathan Granfar. Chocolateer: https://archive.thechocolatelife.com/jonathan-granfar/gallery
And many others! Hope you can make it!